Stop Worrying about saying the wrong thing to the hiring manager.

Follow-up confidently and win more job offers in less time

You have heard that following up with the recruiter or hiring manager is the best way to get more responses, but you don’t want to say the wrong thing, so you decide to just apply on a job board and wait until someone responds.

You had an interview after so many job applications, but you haven’t heard from the company for weeks. You don’t know what to say in a follow-up Email as you think it might cost you the job opportunity.

A recruiter has reached out to you on phone for a job opportunity and you immediately send your resume. A few days go by and there are no responses. You don’t want to follow up as you don’t want to make a grammar mistake or sound too “pushy”

You are a recent graduate who Is looking for your 1st study-related role. You know people are willing to hire you even with no experience, but you don’t know how to reach out.

You are a new migrant looking for a job in your industry. People say that “You need to network with people to find jobs”. But you’re not confident to reach out to strangers.


Fast Track Your Job Search - 20 Must Have Job-Hunting Email Templates

20 effective Email templates with copy and paste sections

These templates are written in a way that does not sound like a generic email. Each template will have sections to include your details, so it is personalised to your profile.

Examples of filled templates

Templates for each stage of job search and networking:

  • After a short phone call from a recruiter.
  • After applying for a job through a job board.
  • After attending an interview.
  • To network with people from the same industry and set up informational interviews.
  • A LinkedIn Email template to reach out to the hiring manager or recruiter using the 140-character limit.
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Here’s what people are saying about E-book

  1. Lakshiya Kumaratunga


    “ After using the Email follow-up templates I was able to get faster responses and have many conversations with recruiters and hiring managers. I landed my dream job within 2 weeks. “

  2. Rashmi Piyadigamage

    IT Support & Network Engineer

    “ I used one of the templates to get an interview just by reaching out to the recruiter on LinkedIn. The best thing was the job was not advertised on any other job board. ”

  3. Ashish

    Business Analyst

    “ I was losing opportunities by saying the wrong thing in my messages and Emails. These templates improved my confidence in reaching out to people and getting many job interviews in a few weeks. ”


Frequently Asked Questions

I have seen job-hunting templates on Google, how are these different to them?
I have written these templates with detailed, step-by-step instructions to help you feel more confident using them. Also, it includes sections to copy and paste your details such as personal information, industry, university projects, relevant skills and experience so it becomes “unique” to you and not generic.
What if I still don’t get a response after using a template?
Good question, if you have used an Email template to follow up after a job application or interview and haven’t received a response, we have included 2nd follow up Email template to get their attention back.
How much does this eBook cost?
The regular price of the eBook is $49. But for a limited time, you can get the early bird price of $29, instantly saving $20.

Download by 30th June and save $20

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